common sense

4/7 3pm EDT Palin Bachmann Overdrive !

Minneapolis !

Tune In to our Live Rally with Governor Sarah Palin

My friends,

Tomorrow, I have the honor and privilege of welcoming Governor Sarah Palin to my home state of Minnesota, where she will join me on the campaign trail for a rally at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

I want to let you know that just because you’re not in the area, it doesn’t mean you can’t take part in the event. The rally will start at 2pm CT, and it will be streaming live on my website:

Sean Hannity will also be joining us in Minnesota tomorrow, and he will be filming his TV show right from the rally. I hope you are able to tune in and help me make this a memorable occasion!

It’s an exciting time to be a conservative in this country right now, and I ask you all to stay engaged and keep up the fight! I also wanted to take this opportunity and encourage you to contribute to my campaign. Let’s send a message to Washington this November that Obama, Reid, and Pelosi won’t ever forget!

Please follow this link to make a donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to my campaign.

Thank You for your continued support, prayers and encouragement.


Michele Bachmann

Prepared and paid for by Bachmann for Congress, P.O. Box 25950, Woodbury, MN 55125,

Britain circa 60AD.
The Romans beat and flogged Boudica.
Obama is beating and flogging our Constitution.

The Romans took hers and her peoples freedoms.
Obama is taking our freedoms.

The Romans raped her two daughters in front of her.
Obama is raping our children’s and grandchildren’s futures in front of us.

Boudica stood up.
Now we must stand up.

Boudica, Queen of the Iceni, circa 60 AD

I am descended from mighty men! But now I am not fighting for my kingdom and my wealth. I am fighting as an ordinary person for my lost freedom, my bruised body and my outraged daughters Consider how many of you are fighting and why. Then you will win this battle, or perish. That is what I, a woman, plan to do! Let the men live in slavery if they will.

A little more about  Boudica

For Immediate Release

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Contact: Dave

Governor Palin to Join Representative Bachmann on the Campaign Trail

U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN-06) announced today that former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will come to Minnesota to assist Bachmann’s re-election campaign on April 7, 2010.
“There is absolutely no one more in tune with the hearts and minds of everyday Americans than Governor Palin, and I’m excited to welcome her back to our beautiful state this spring,” Bachmann said.

Both Governor Palin and Congresswoman Bachmann are well-known and respected conservative leaders whose bold and unwavering stances in defending the U.S. Constitution and commonsense approaches to issues like health care, taxes and government bailouts have attracted millions to their message.
“It didn’t take the American people long to see through the extreme liberal agenda of President Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress,” Bachmann said. “We saw American’s frustration start in the form of tea party protests in states from coast to coast. It continued with the health care town halls throughout last summer. But we saw it come into full focus yesterday in conservative Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, taking back a Senate seat that was held by Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy for decades. The American people have spoken, and the momentum is clearly at the backs of conservatives heading into the 2010 elections.”
Details about Governor Palin’s visit will be released as they become available. In the coming weeks, please visit for more information.


Prepared and paid for by Bachmann for Congress, P.O. Box 25950, Woodbury, MN 55125,

… Michelle Dewkett for speaking out on global warming. I watched her interview on FOX and Friends this morning. Thumb s down to Rhinebeck High School for not providing the truth or at the very least a balanced look at this issue. Parents, students, please comment here. I agree 100% with Michelle’s view that climate has been changing since the beginning of our earth and despite what the alarmists say will continue until the end. I would like to have Michelle write an article to place here and on my other sites with her views on global warming. I would appreciate any Rhinebeck students doing so.

I commend Michelle for speaking out. On my Rhinebeck, NY site comments have been very much in favor of Michelle. She stood up and won’t have to stand down. Let’s say way to go Michelle. I will forward to the Rhinebeck Central School the response to her stand.

Bob A.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Bachmann: A Conservative Call to Acti…“, posted with vodpod

Thanks to RJ at Paul Revere’s Riders for posting this clip. This government has to be brought under control. Get involved. Post your comments. Get involved and do it NOW. Obama’s agenda is an Obammunist nation, followed by a socialist NWO with one world governance. They will live in luxery sucking the life blood from people like the leeches they are. They will not lift the third world to our standard of living but will drive this nation down to the level of Obama’s native Kenya. We must start now and effect a change in 2012 and finish by 2012. Thereafter we must be forever vigilent.

Please pass this video around. Re-post it or e-mail the link.

Thank You Soldiers – Veteran’s Day Song

Thanks to our friend at Theodore’s World for posting this. Thanks to Michael for doing this. Please visit both sites. If you have children in school contact your school district and tell them this is what you want. Not praises to Obama, not education on sex from people like Kevin Jennings, Obama’s safe school czar. Let’s get back to the roots of our nation. We can do it despite the people that are seeking to destroy it. Let’s go guys. Have them teach about our founding fathers, the Bill of Rights, the U. S. Constitution, not social engineering. Teach what is right with America, not how we should apologize for keeping the world safe. Coming to the forefront in World Wars I and II.



It would be great if either Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann ran in 2012. Any way it makes a point of what a dud we have with President Pussyboy. Pass this around or re-post it. A thanks to MJ for posting these over at The Mad Jewess. Take a visit.

On Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese war planes attacked Pearl Harbor, the forward base for the United States in the Pacific, effectively drawing the United States into war with Japan.  This picture, widely publicized in the United States, illustrates the extent of the physical destruction.  The sinking battleship is the USS West Virginia.  The crew of the motorboat in the foreground is attempting to save sailors in the water.  The official battle report, submitted on December 11, 1941, can be a useful source document for classroom use.  The sinking of the USS West Virginia resulted in the death of 106 crewmen.

A surprise Japanese attack on the U.S. Navy’s base at Pearl Harbor and on Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands on December 7, 1941. It destroyed much of the American Pacific Fleet and brought the United States into World War II. The attack followed the decision of the Japanese government that Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration would not abandon China and Southeast Asia to the Japanese military nor continue to supply Tokyo with vital materials. Early Sunday morning, December 7, Japanese aircraft launched an assault that destroyed or disabled nineteen ships and 292 planes. American deaths totaled 2, 335 and 1, 178 were wounded. Ultimately, though the attack was a tactical success, the Japanese failed to destroy American repair yards, fuel reserves, and submarines. Source for below photo and clip. Visit for other photos, clips and information.

Attack on pearl harbor

Let us not forget those that were either killed or wounded in this sneak attack on the United States.

Let us not forget that we had a second devastating sneak attack on Sept. 11, 2001, by Islamic terrorists. I fear we will have one more before America wakes up and this will come from the enemy within. Systematic destruction of our military and freedoms by liberals in Congress following Obama’s lead toward a NWO with one world governance. Don’t let history repeat itself.


Visit tparty2010 for another take on this.

Grassfire org ResistNet com Part 1 10 27 09

Grassfire org ResistNet com Part 2 10 27 09

This is

liar-01Obama’s transparent government, Pelosi’s most ethical congress. To put it bluntly they are a bunch of lying SCUMBAGS, both parties. Wake up America before you spend your sunset days, twilight years telling your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren what once was. The time to act is now, not when you wake up tomorrow and it is to late. Visit  America Coast to Coast.


October 16, 2009 4:0

By Sarah Palin

Given that we’re spending billions of stimulus dollars to rebuild our highways, it makes sense to think about what we’ll be driving on them. For years to come, most of what we drive will be powered, at least in part, by diesel fuel or gasoline. To fuel that driving, we need access to oil. The less use we make of our own reserves, the more we will have to import, which leads to a number of harmful consequences. That means we need to drill here and drill now.

We rely on petroleum for much more than just powering our vehicles: It is essential in everything from jet fuel to petrochemicals, plastics to fertilizers, pesticides to pharmaceuticals. Ac­cord­ing to the Energy Information Ad­min­is­tra­tion, our total domestic petroleum consumption last year was 19.5 million barrels per day (bpd). Motor gasoline and diesel fuel accounted for less than 13 million bpd of that. Meanwhile, we produced only 4.95 million bpd of domestic crude. In other words, even if we ran all our vehicles on something else (which won’t happen anytime soon), we would still have to depend on imported oil. And we’ll continue that dependence until we develop our own oil resources to their fullest extent.

Those who oppose domestic drilling are motivated primarily by environmental considerations, but many of the countries we’re forced to import from have few if any environmental-protection laws, and those that do exist often go unenforced. In effect, American environmentalists are preventing responsible development here at home while supporting irresponsible development overseas.

My home state of Alaska shows how it’s possible to be both pro-environment and pro-resource-development. Alaskans would never support anything that endangered our pristine air, clean water, and abundant wildlife (which, among other things, provides many of us with our livelihood). The state’s government has made safeguarding resources a priority; when I was governor, for instance, we created a petroleum-systems-integrity office to monitor our oil and gas infrastructure for any potential environmental risks.

Alaska also shows how oil drilling is thoroughly compatible with energy conservation and renewable-energy development. Over 20 percent of Alas­ka’s electricity currently comes from renewable sources, and as governor I put forward a long-term plan to increase that figure to 50 percent by 2025. Alaska’s comprehensive plan identifies renewable options across the state that can help rural villages transition away from expensive diesel-generated electricity — allowing each community to choose the solution that best fits its needs. That’s important in any energy plan: Tempting as they may be to central planners, top-down, one-size-fits-all solutions are recipes for failure.

For the same reason, the federal government shouldn’t push a single, uni­versal approach to alternative-powered vehicles. Electric cars might work in Los Angeles, but they don’t work in Alaska, where you can drive hundreds of miles without seeing many people, let alone many electrical sockets. And while electric and hybrid cars have their advantages, producing the electricity to power them still requires an energy source. For the sake of the environment, that energy should be generated from the cleanest source available.

Natural gas is one promising clean alternative. It contains fewer pollutants than other fossil fuels, it’s easier to collect and process, and it is found throughout our country. In Alaska, we’re developing the largest private-sector energy project in history — a 3,000-mile, $40 billion pipeline to transport hundreds of trillions of cubic feet of natural gas to markets across the United States. Onshore and offshore na­tural gas from Alaska and the Lower 48 can satisfy a large part of our energy needs for decades, bringing us closer to energy independence. Whether we use it to power natural-gas cars or to run natural-gas power plants that charge electric cars — or ideally for both — natural gas can act as a clean “bridge fuel” to a future when more renewable sources are available.

In addition to drilling, we need to build new refineries. America currently has roughly 150 refineries, down from over 300 in the 1970s. Due mainly to environmental regulations, we haven’t built a major new refinery since 1976, though our oil consumption has increased significantly since then. That’s no way to secure our energy supply. The post-Katrina jump in gas prices proved that we can’t leave ourselves at the mercy of a hurricane that knocks a few refineries out of commission.

Building an energy-independent Amer­ica will mean a real economic stimulus. It will mean American jobs that can never be shipped overseas. Think about how much of our trade deficit is fueled by the oil we import — sometimes as much as half of the total. Through this massive transfer of wealth, we lose hundreds of billions of dollars a year that could be invested in our economy. Instead it goes to foreign countries, including some repressive regimes that use it to fund activities that threaten our security.

Reliance on foreign sources of energy weakens America. When a riot breaks out in an OPEC nation, or a developing country talks about nationalizing its oil industry, or a petro-dictator threatens to cut off exports, the probability is great that the price of oil will shoot up. Even in friendly nations, business and financial decisions made for local reasons can de­stabilize Amer­i­ca’s energy market, since the price we pay for foreign oil is subject to rising and falling exchange rates. Decreasing our dependence on foreign sources of energy will reduce the impact of world events on our economy.

In the end, energy independence is not just about the environment or the economy. It’s about freedom and confidence. It’s about building a more secure and peaceful America, an America in which our energy needs will not be subject to the whims of nature, currency speculators, or madmen in possession of vast oil reserves.

Alternative sources of energy are part of the answer, but only part. There’s no getting around the fact that we still need to “drill, baby, drill!” And if those in D.C. say otherwise, we need to tell them: “Yes, we can!”

— Sarah Palin was governor of Alaska from 2006 to 2009, and the Republican candidate for vice ­president in 2008. This article appears in the November 2, 2009, issue of National Review.

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Makes more sense than the total BS coming out of Washington D. C. Source.

Our politicians on both sides just don’t get it. Time for a house cleaning or a change like a dirty diaper on a baby. Start now, make a change in 2010 and finish no later than 2012.

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