U. S. Constitution

Britain circa 60AD.
The Romans beat and flogged Boudica.
Obama is beating and flogging our Constitution.

The Romans took hers and her peoples freedoms.
Obama is taking our freedoms.

The Romans raped her two daughters in front of her.
Obama is raping our children’s and grandchildren’s futures in front of us.

Boudica stood up.
Now we must stand up.

Boudica, Queen of the Iceni, circa 60 AD

I am descended from mighty men! But now I am not fighting for my kingdom and my wealth. I am fighting as an ordinary person for my lost freedom, my bruised body and my outraged daughters Consider how many of you are fighting and why. Then you will win this battle, or perish. That is what I, a woman, plan to do! Let the men live in slavery if they will.

A little more about  Boudica

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more about “Bachmann: A Conservative Call to Acti…“, posted with vodpod

Thanks to RJ at Paul Revere’s Riders for posting this clip. This government has to be brought under control. Get involved. Post your comments. Get involved and do it NOW. Obama’s agenda is an Obammunist nation, followed by a socialist NWO with one world governance. They will live in luxery sucking the life blood from people like the leeches they are. They will not lift the third world to our standard of living but will drive this nation down to the level of Obama’s native Kenya. We must start now and effect a change in 2012 and finish by 2012. Thereafter we must be forever vigilent.

Please pass this video around. Re-post it or e-mail the link.

Thank You Soldiers – Veteran’s Day Song

Thanks to our friend at Theodore’s World for posting this. Thanks to Michael for doing this. Please visit both sites. If you have children in school contact your school district and tell them this is what you want. Not praises to Obama, not education on sex from people like Kevin Jennings, Obama’s safe school czar. Let’s get back to the roots of our nation. We can do it despite the people that are seeking to destroy it. Let’s go guys. Have them teach about our founding fathers, the Bill of Rights, the U. S. Constitution, not social engineering. Teach what is right with America, not how we should apologize for keeping the world safe. Coming to the forefront in World Wars I and II.

Grassfire org ResistNet com Part 1 10 27 09

Grassfire org ResistNet com Part 2 10 27 09

This is

liar-01Obama’s transparent government, Pelosi’s most ethical congress. To put it bluntly they are a bunch of lying SCUMBAGS, both parties. Wake up America before you spend your sunset days, twilight years telling your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren what once was. The time to act is now, not when you wake up tomorrow and it is to late. Visit  America Coast to Coast.

Friends –

We need your help! Your “Free Our Health Care NOW!” petition, www.freeourhealthcarenow.com, needs only 70,000 more supporters to become the largest policy petition in American history delivered to Congress! With your help, more than 1.3 million Americans will make their voice heard!

YOUR MISSION: To inspire 70,000 Americans to sign the “Free Our Health Care NOW!” petition and make it the largest policy petition ever delivered to Congress. If each of you recruits just one more signer together we will make history!

TIMETABLE: On your behalf, we will deliver the “Free Our Health Care NOW!” petition to Congress on Wednesday, September 9. The final tally of petition supporters will occur the day before, at 5pm on Tuesday, September 8. We have 96 hours to accomplish our mission!

THE REASON: As taxpayers and as patients, the American people simply can’t afford government-run health care. Quality and access will decrease; costs will skyrocket; rationing will be in place! This is your petition, your voice and your opportunity to fight for your country!

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Many of the members of your community are thinking about health care. They’re worried, angry and uncertain. They’re tired of the rhetoric and they want change that they can trust.

Tell them about the “Free Our Health Care NOW!” petition. Tell them why you signed www.freeourhealthcarenow.com and why you continue to believe that a better health care system is possible.

This is a mission we can accomplish together. We have a purpose which cannot be denied: to protect the health of our family, our friends, and our country!

Thank you for your continued support. If you can plan to join us on 9/9/09 in Washington, DC. (http://www.mediakit.ncpa.org/files/media_advisory.pdf)

Jeanette Nordstrom
National Center for Policy Analysis

Obama To Brainwash Public School Kids 9/8/09

Parents, if you can’t keep your child/children home on 9/08 sit down and read the Constitution with them and explain to them that the Constitution is where their freedom comes from. The Constitution was not meant to be a progressive document able to be changed by whomever is elected president. Explain that our and their freedoms do not come from the current President and Congress. Do not let them be brainwashed by Obama. Do not let them be a part of his civillian youth corp., civillian volunteer corp. We experienced that with Hitler and his Hitlerjugend. Do not let our republic experience an Obamajugend. Contact your school district and demand that they do not participate in this propaganda but instead teach the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.